We present CDStore, which disperses users' backup data across multiple clouds and provides a unified multi-cloud storage solution with reliability, security, and cost-efficiency guarantees. CDStore builds on an augmented secret sharing scheme called convergent dispersal, which supports deduplication by using deterministic content-derived hashes as inputs to secret sharing. We present the design of CDStore, and in particular, describe how it combines convergent dispersal with two-stage deduplication to achieve both bandwidth and storage savings and be robust against side-channel attacks. Note that CDStore can be deployed on LAN or commercial cloud testbeds, running with real-world workloas. By simmulation, CDStore achieves a monetary cost saving of 70% over a baseline cloud storage solution using state-of-the-art secret sharing.
CDStore is developed by the Applied Distributed Systems Lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
The software of CDStore uses Jerasure (Revision 2.0) developed by Prof. James S. Plank.