PMADS data:
- Raw data: all_data.rar
(md5sum: c10219e0290f388f781f20f230cae45b)
- Post-processed data: data.rar
(md5sum: 597f1d6379390a11575d09f3bbfd3995)
We provide two datasets, the raw dataset and the post-processed dataset.
A brief description is as follows:
Raw data: The raw dataset is collected every 15 minutes using probes. A total
of 21 attributes were collected, and we used 12 of them. More details are
described in Section 2 of the paper.
Post-processed data: The dataset is post-processed to be consistent with the
dataset used in the analysis in the paper. There are a total of 22 columns,
including Time, Key, 19 statistical features, and the label.