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This guide shows you how to set up LiveDFS atop an OpenStack cloud platform. The setup consists of two parts: (i) Setting up OpenStack compute nodes and (ii) Deploying LiveDFS on the OpenStack image service.

OpenStack Compute Setup

This guide only shows the setup of our testbed. To see the detailed information of how to administer OpenStack Compute, please visit OpenStack Compute Administration Manual.

Our testbed contains three machines: one Cloud Controller (CC), one Compute Node(node) and one Image Server (Glance). This configuration is for our testing purpose only. You can add multiple compute nodes to simulate a more realistic cloud environment. The network configuration is as follows:

Cloud Controller
Compute Node
Image Server

First every machine should have a Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installed as currently LiveDFS only operates on Linux kernel 2.6.32 and LiveDFS is known not compatible with newer kernels. We are porting LiveDFS to newer kernels with more features. We will post our work when it is ready.

Run the following commands in the terminal to install OpenStack Compute in Cloud Controller:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-release/2011.2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y rabbitmq-server
sudo apt-get install -y python-greenlet python-mysqldb
sudo apt-get install -y nova-common nova-doc python-nova nova-api
sudo apt-get install -y nova-network nova-objectstore nova-scheduler
sudo apt-get install -y euca2ools unzip

Next Run the following commands in the terminal to install MySQL in Cloud Controller:

cat <<MYSQL_PRESEED | debconf-set-selections
mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password $MYSQL_PASS
mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password $MYSQL_PASS
mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/start_on_boot boolean true
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server
sudo sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
sudo service mysql restart
sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e 'CREATE DATABASE nova;'
sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'nova'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'nova'@'%' = PASSWORD('$NOVA_PASS');"

After that copy the following settings to /etc/nova/nova.conf


After that you should restart all the services in the cloud controller by the following command:

restart libvirt-bin; restart nova-network; restart nova-api;
restart nova-objectstore; restart nova-scheduler

We now start to configure the OpenStack Compute using root:

nova-manage db sync
nova-manage user admin ldfs
nova-manage project create LiveDFS ldfs
nova-manage network create 1 256

mkdir -p /root/creds
nova-manage project zipfile LiveDFS ldfs /root/creds/
unzip /root/creds/ -d /root/creds/
cat /root/creds/novarc >> ~/.bashrc

Next change the following in /root/.bashrc :

export S3_URL=""
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/creds/pk.pem
export EC2_CERT=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/creds/cert.pem
export NOVA_CERT=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/creds/cacert.pem

After that you can run

. .bashrc
to reload the settings

You now finished setting up the Cloud Controller. After that you need to setup the compute node:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-release/2011.2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nova-common nova-doc python-nova nova-network nova-compute

All compute nodes share the same /etc/nova/nova.conf with the Cloud Controller:


After that you should restart all the services in the compute node by the following command:

restart libvirt-bin; restart nova-network; restart nova-compute;

We keep in sync with the database so that the cloud controller knows the compute node's existence

nova-manage db sync

Next we start to install Openstack Image Service (Glance) in the Image Server, which LiveDFS resides on. Run the following command to install Image Service:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-release/2011.2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install glance 

All the installations are finished. Have fun with OpenStack!

Deploy LiveDFS on OpenStack Image Service

Deploying LiveDFS on OpenStack Image Service is easy. OpenStack Image Service uses a folder to store images so that we can mount that folder by LiveDFS. The default location of storing images is as follows:


First you need to compile LiveDFS module and insert it into the kernel (as root)

tar zxvf liveDFS.tar.gz
cd liveDFS
insmod liveDFS.ko

Next you need to format a clean partition (e.g. /dev/sdb1) and mount it as LiveDFS

tar zxvf mkfs.livedfs.tar.gz
./mkfs.livedfs /dev/sdb1
mount -t livedfs /dev/sdb1 /var/lib/glance/images
chown glance:root /var/lib/glance/images